How to feel sexy with extra kilograms?

Being fat is a serious “business” not only for your health and body shape but for mind and soul as well. Sexy and fat aren’t usually words used in one sentence. In general, if you’re fat you’re automatically considered to be unattractive and un-sexy which is NO true. No one should ever feel 'too fat for sex' either. In this short guide we will provide a feel tips and tricks on how to feel sexy and attractive even though you are struggling with some extra kilograms.
·Practice being naked. Nudity is a natural thing we should never be ashamed off. Since Middle Ages, being naked has some fresh and beautiful feeling. Often when you don’t feel comfortable with body parts, you rather prefer to hide them. You might even avoid looking into mirror while taking shower. Spending time by your while being naked will make you feel more comfortable, give you confidence and proud.
·Have sex with somebody who appreciates the way you look. Worst idea ever is to have sexy with somebody who dislikes your body and appearance. This is so wrong and will make you feel more and more ashamed of extra kilograms. Having sex with a person who love curves will build up you confidence.
·Dress up in way that make you feel sexy and attractive. What we mean here is dressing properly to your age however with some sexy twist. We do not recommend dressing as night club worker since it’s not going to work that way. You might feel a little bit weird at first but wearing clothes you like, will make you feel more attractive and in the matter of time you will know perfectly how to show it in right way. Get rid of your oversize clothes and try to wear something more fit to body.
·Get a new perfume, shoes and accessories. Shopping is a great way to build up your self-opinion. Having a new sexy dress or high heels will make up feel more pampered, excited and ready to run the world. Since you got a new bag and shoes, why don’t you go out for a date tonight?
·Take a sexy photo-shoot. Most of fatty people are afraid to take pictures and look at them. What about having a sexy photo-shoot? It might sounds like a crazy and impossible idea at first but trust me, a good skilled and professional photographer can make you feel attractive no matter what you’re going to wear. Photo shoot will highlight your best body features such as breasts and hips. Sexy and subtle look is what you are looking for.
·Work out a bit. We don’t force you here to lose weight if you’re not ready for such commitment and body change. Small exercises will help your body and hearth as well. What’s more it will increase endorphins to make you feel happier. Having a pure satisfaction that you are doing something good for your body is a huge plus.
Having extra kilograms is not a big deal when it comes to feel sexy and attractive. The key point here is to be self-confident and knowing your price. Remember that being sexy is a state of mind so first of all you shall take care of your soul and then body. With our tips for sure you will experience more happy life and start to love yourself. Best of luck