Dating Challenges and Choices for Lesbian BBW

While straight people acknowledge that dating can be tough, being a lesbian and a BBW—Big Beautiful Woman—can present additional challenges. Or, it certainly may seem that way. But, can your odds actually be reduced because you’re a lesbian? Probably not, when you consider that a lot of hunting for the perfect person to date is based on more factors than a mathematical formula.
Ever single person—unless they’re rich, famous, or a celebrity—has bemoaned the fact that they have had difficulty meeting “the right one”. Sure, you hear some great stories about how couples met in high school, at church, or at a bar, and then got married a few months later. But that certainly isn’t the norm.
Life was simpler during our grandparent’s generation. They dated a few different people, chose one, got married, and had kids. Mum would look after kids and home, while Dad would have a job outside the home to bring in cash. Life was simpler.
Today, there are so many different choices for people. And that doesn’t include the fact that you knew you were a lesbian since you couldn’t figure out the fuss about boys. People can take all sorts of careers, live anywhere in the world, and participate in recreational activities. As a woman you understand that you want to find someone who has similar interests and hobbies that you do. You want someone to stick around, and not be jet-setting around. It’s all of these different choices, interests, and hobbies, that can make finding someone difficult.
Now that you understand that it’s difficult for even the straight skinny woman to find a date, you may be wondering how to find a successful match. There are many online dating sites, but some fit a niche. There are also BBW websites, so you can find other plus-sized women. These BBW dating sites allow you to select that you are “a woman seeking a woman”. This narrows down your dating search to other lesbians such as yourself, and dating sites for lesbians only are also good choices to find dates online.
There’s no need to even mention it in messages with other interested women, because it’s already fully disclosed in your profile that you are a lesbian, and you’re BBW. So, that’s one less step that you need to worry about. You can directly filter your online dating search to who you are seeking. And having the opportunity to search for only other lesbians is great too, so that you can avoid having to explain to men that they’re not suitable dates for you, or that you’re a bit overweight.
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re BBW, lesbian, or a woman. Your odds aren’t reduced because you are. The odds of finding a successful match are the same, no matter who you are. Somewhere out there is that one perfect person for you. You just have to find them. If it takes signing up for a BBW website where you can connect with other lesbians, then start today!